Tuesday, February 8

Part I: Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.

It's been a while since the last time I posted here because I was sick as a dog and when you go back to Malaysia, your priority is food not blog. Sorry peeps! :P How's Malaysia? Malaysia sihat, orang yang tinggal dekat Malaysia lagi sihat sihat *ahem* Dah sampai je, dapat home made nasi goreng. OMG! Sedap gilaaaa. Minta maaf ye, saya jakun. Maklumlah dkt Moscow nasi goreng semua pakai perencah. >.< Anddddd, guess what? Saya balik hari pasar malam. Weee! :D So, dapatlah makan murtabak, keropok lekor and kuih kole. Korang tahu ke kuih kole? Oh, and dapat pineapple tart. Sedap gila and so comel. NOM NOM NOM! 

Nasi Goreng (nampak macam dull je tapi sumpah sedap)

Murtabak paling sedap dalam dunia (according to ME!)

Pineapple tart. Comel kan?

HA! Itu baru hari pertama balik, makan dah tak ingat dunia. So, dah balik Malaysia apa lagi, mestilah jumpa my BFF! It's a must. I met her when I was young around 4-5 years old dekat supermarket. Dia macam lonely je takde kawan. Kesian, so I just grabbed her, pergi kaunter keluarkan duit and now here she is. Kaki dia sebelah dah banyak kali kena jahit. Kesiannnnnn..
Watching AFC with BFF. Cute, non?
And this time balik Malaysia dapat makan lala. Lama gila kut mengidam (I'm not pregnant, thankyouverymuch) sejak last summer and baru kali ni dapat. Thanks Kakak and Abang An belanja! :D Memang makan sedap gila, too bad takde gambar because I become so engrossed with the food that I don't even bother to take pictures. Sowwwwieeee.. :'(

With my favourite little girl, Min! :)
I'm so sleepy, I'm practically sleeping while blogging. Sorrylah kalau ada typo. Orang mengantuk ni fikir mengarut sikit. I guess, that's all for now. Will post Part II tomorrow if I'm not busy, InsyaAllah :)


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