Saturday, February 26


Can we just stick with chocolate, vanilla and strawberries? Kthanxbai :)

Sunday, February 20

Can you die of boredom?

Can people be bored to death? I'm not sure about others, but studying biochemistry is so boring :( So, this is me trying to kill boredom. Thanks Kung Fu Panda :)

Staring contest with Po


Wednesday, February 16

1 film you should see and 1 film you should ignore


"Somewhere," in its odd, detached way, is compelling viewing.

Synopsis from IMDB, a movie about a hard-living Hollywood actor re-examines his life after his 11-year-old daughter surprises him with a visit. 


"The Romantics" is the kind of bland romantic melodrama that breeds resentment instead of sympathy for its young protagonists.


From IMDB, Seven close friends reunite for the wedding of two of their friends. Problems arise because the bride and the maid of honor have had a long rivalry over the groom.

Monday, February 14

Retro Color Block Booties

Have you seen Grammy? You should because it's awesome (read: Eminem) and thanks to Gwyneth, now I'm obsessed with her booties. It's Christian Louboutin Retro Color Block Booties. *sigh*

Friday, February 11

First day of classes

Aghhh! I'm gonna cry already. Know why? Stupid schedule. So many subjects, so little time. Andddddd.. we have practical until 27th of July. I WANT TO GO BACK EARLY TO MALAYSIA DAMMIT! They should have told us earlier but NOOOOO! Okay, moving on. Let's look at my awesome schedule, shall we?

Monday: 8.30 - 10.00 PE        
               11.00 - 12.40 Medical History
               13.30 - 17.00 Biochemistry

Tuesday: 9.20 - 11.00 Physiology
               12.10 - 14.50 Surgical Care
Wednesday: 10.10 - 11.10 Biochemistry 
                    12.10 - 14.00 Philosophy 
                    14.10 - 16.20 Bioethics

Thursday: 9.00 - 12.30 Physiology
                 14.30 - 17.00 Microbiology

Friday: 10.10 - 11.50 Microbiology
             13.00 - 14.40 Extreme and Military Medicine (!!)
             16.50 - 18.30 Bioethics

Saturday: 9.00 - 10.40 Extreme and Military Medicine
                11.00 - 12.40 Medical History
                13.00 - 15.15 Russian Language

So.. yeah, I'm tired just looking at the timetable. How now? Nak kahwinlahhh! :( 

Our first lecture. Well at least for some of us *coughgirlplayingwithiphonecough*

We're supposed to have Philosophy after that, but the lady in charge said she's not sure (we'll confirm with her today) so we went to our favourite place, McD! We're supposed to buy just pies but ended up with a lot more than that. 
Fish roll. 2 for 4 people. Panduan orang kedekut jimat berbelanja :)     

So cute :D (I'm talking about the guys at the back)
After a long and STRESSFUL day, we went back home and took some pictures :D

That building with blue paint, that's our apartment. :)
Aainaa looks so happy despite the cold weather. Just look at her sitting there as if she's sitting on her couch.
So pwettyyy!
Nurul looks pretty. I look eye-less =.='
BFF! :)
Guess who?
Deeper and deeper  

That's my first day of this semester. Pretty awesome, eh? Hopefully it'll stay that way (read: no Philosophy and going back early for summer break). Before I'm off to do something meaningless, I have to add these pictures. Ole-ole from my friends. Seriously, you guys are the best. Thanks again!

Macarons from Hari. Merci! :D
I ask for a shirt from Amsterdam not a chocolate condom, Hari!
Keychain (and cute wrapper with inspirational notes) from Sharon and Rinisha. Muchas gracias! :)
That's all for now people. xx

Wednesday, February 9

Part II: Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.

I'm baaaaccccck. LOL! I met my friends during winter break. I didn't get to see most of my friends because they're either busy working or studying. I can't believe that we're all adults now. :( 

Dinner with Dd, Inaz and Nj!
With newly wed Sakinah and Hazirah. Look at their shirts, Boria Anak Tanjung :P
With Minah and Wei Ling.

Sikit gila gambar. Oh well, malaslah nak buka bag, keluarkan kamera. Orang malas :( Note to myself: Jadi lebih rajin. And I went to KL (one day trip) to meet Minah and Wei Ling. Bimbo gila tak? Dahlah naik flight. Haha! Breakfast at mamak, OMG! Sedap gila roti telur. Dah lama tak makan. (To Nadiah, if you're reading this *hint hint*) And then off to One Utama. Banyak gila orang but barang macam buruk je! So, I ended up buying shoes, undergarments (they're cute so don't judge me!) and... MONOPOLY Malaysia Edition (I bought it because we're supposed to have free time this semester but haihhh, I'll explain to you later). Then, we went to Alamanda to meet Nurul's mom and lunch at Nando's!

My pre-breakfast while waiting for Minah at KL Sentral. Hot cappucino and lozenges. :(

Pass for KLIA Express. It's been a while since the last time I took KLIA Express. So comfy! :D

 Desserts at Delicious with Minah

Since I didn't get anything nice from KL (I wanted that polo shirt but it's RM750, so no thanks!) so while in Penang, I bought these:

1) Forever 21

Beyond the Sea dress
Scarves ( Mustard and Green )


2) Gap

Always Skinny Jeans 

3) HP Printer and new lappie for my beloved auntie :D

And, I bought some other not-so-important stuffs. Heh! :P Just to let you know, I gained 2 kg while in Malaysia. Kena diet lah kan? :'( Tgklah makanan ni semua, mcm mana berat tak naik? Bwaahhhhh! *nangis golek golek*


Mee Udang

Keropok lekor


1901's New York Chicken


KFC. Cheezy Wedges sedap gila. Aghhh! *food orgasm*

 For my friends in Moscow.

Tup tap tup tap dah 2 minggu dekat Malaysia. Tanak balikkkkk! But I guess life goes on. Malaysia pun bukan nak lari mana. So, now I'm back in Moscow. Nervous gila dekat immigration, manalah tahu diorang taknak kasi masuk ke because we're foreigners, anything IS possible with these people. But Alhamdulillah, everything's alright other than my migration card mcm mengarut sikit, so baca doa eh? Hehe. 

At Abu Dhabi Airport Hotel.

Haha! Hampir tak balik Moscow sebab katil comfy sangat malas nak bangun.

Hmmm.. nice picture?

View from my room

My flight tickets. Nama tak muat :'(
I guess that's all for now. Will try and post my first day of new semester ASAP. xx 

Tuesday, February 8

Part I: Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.

It's been a while since the last time I posted here because I was sick as a dog and when you go back to Malaysia, your priority is food not blog. Sorry peeps! :P How's Malaysia? Malaysia sihat, orang yang tinggal dekat Malaysia lagi sihat sihat *ahem* Dah sampai je, dapat home made nasi goreng. OMG! Sedap gilaaaa. Minta maaf ye, saya jakun. Maklumlah dkt Moscow nasi goreng semua pakai perencah. >.< Anddddd, guess what? Saya balik hari pasar malam. Weee! :D So, dapatlah makan murtabak, keropok lekor and kuih kole. Korang tahu ke kuih kole? Oh, and dapat pineapple tart. Sedap gila and so comel. NOM NOM NOM! 

Nasi Goreng (nampak macam dull je tapi sumpah sedap)

Murtabak paling sedap dalam dunia (according to ME!)

Pineapple tart. Comel kan?

HA! Itu baru hari pertama balik, makan dah tak ingat dunia. So, dah balik Malaysia apa lagi, mestilah jumpa my BFF! It's a must. I met her when I was young around 4-5 years old dekat supermarket. Dia macam lonely je takde kawan. Kesian, so I just grabbed her, pergi kaunter keluarkan duit and now here she is. Kaki dia sebelah dah banyak kali kena jahit. Kesiannnnnn..
Watching AFC with BFF. Cute, non?
And this time balik Malaysia dapat makan lala. Lama gila kut mengidam (I'm not pregnant, thankyouverymuch) sejak last summer and baru kali ni dapat. Thanks Kakak and Abang An belanja! :D Memang makan sedap gila, too bad takde gambar because I become so engrossed with the food that I don't even bother to take pictures. Sowwwwieeee.. :'(

With my favourite little girl, Min! :)
I'm so sleepy, I'm practically sleeping while blogging. Sorrylah kalau ada typo. Orang mengantuk ni fikir mengarut sikit. I guess, that's all for now. Will post Part II tomorrow if I'm not busy, InsyaAllah :)

Tuesday, February 1

Juju's message to Mubarak



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