Aghhh! I'm gonna cry already. Know why? Stupid schedule. So many subjects, so little time. Andddddd.. we have practical until 27th of July. I WANT TO GO BACK EARLY TO MALAYSIA DAMMIT! They should have told us earlier but NOOOOO! Okay, moving on. Let's look at my awesome schedule, shall we?
Monday: 8.30 - 10.00 PE
11.00 - 12.40 Medical History
13.30 - 17.00 Biochemistry
Tuesday: 9.20 - 11.00 Physiology
12.10 - 14.50 Surgical Care
Wednesday: 10.10 - 11.10 Biochemistry
12.10 - 14.00 Philosophy
14.10 - 16.20 Bioethics
Thursday: 9.00 - 12.30 Physiology
14.30 - 17.00 Microbiology
Friday: 10.10 - 11.50 Microbiology
13.00 - 14.40 Extreme and Military Medicine (!!)
16.50 - 18.30 Bioethics
Saturday: 9.00 - 10.40 Extreme and Military Medicine
11.00 - 12.40 Medical History
13.00 - 15.15 Russian Language
So.. yeah, I'm tired just looking at the timetable. How now? Nak kahwinlahhh! :(
Our first lecture. Well at least for some of us *coughgirlplayingwithiphonecough* |
We're supposed to have Philosophy after that, but the lady in charge said she's not sure (we'll confirm with her today) so we went to our favourite place, McD! We're supposed to buy just pies but ended up with a lot more than that.
Fish roll. 2 for 4 people. Panduan orang kedekut jimat berbelanja :) | | | | | |
So cute :D (I'm talking about the guys at the back) |
After a long and STRESSFUL day, we went back home and took some pictures :D
That building with blue paint, that's our apartment. :) |
Aainaa looks so happy despite the cold weather. Just look at her sitting there as if she's sitting on her couch. |
So pwettyyy! |
Nurul looks pretty. I look eye-less =.=' |
BFF! :) |
Guess who? |
Deeper and deeper | | |
That's my first day of this semester. Pretty awesome, eh? Hopefully it'll stay that way (read: no Philosophy and going back early for summer break). Before I'm off to do something meaningless, I have to add these pictures. Ole-ole from my friends. Seriously, you guys are the best. Thanks again!
Macarons from Hari. Merci! :D |
I ask for a shirt from Amsterdam not a chocolate condom, Hari! |
Keychain (and cute wrapper with inspirational notes) from Sharon and Rinisha. Muchas gracias! :)
That's all for now people. xx