Thursday, January 20

How do you reward yourself after a big exam?

Alhamdulillah, exam's over. So dah habis exam, mestilah ada retail therapy.. SHOPPING! Expensive you say? Taklah, kalau mahal pun chill-lah my dad kan kerja cop duit. Anyway, I bought:  

 A cute blouse (diff. pattern)

Coat from Zara

BOSS Orange

Benefit perfume “laugh with me LeeLee”

Aaaaahhhh, so excited. Oh, I'm going back to Penang tomorrow. DME-AUH-KUL-PEN, 13-14 hours flight.. Can't wait! Screw you, punggung kebas. I. DUN. CARE :P 

P/S: I know I said that I will write about GG once I'm done with Gastrointestinal Tract. Sowwwieee! Will post it ASAP. Thank you :)  


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